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Adult Bible Study

Holy Faith Lutheran Church 104 Paradise Road, Oak Ridge, NJ, United States

Currently this group is studying Holy Spirit. All are welcomed to study God's Word through the sight of faith in Jesus!  

Council Meeting

Holy Faith Lutheran Church 104 Paradise Road, Oak Ridge, NJ, United States

Worship Service

Holy Faith Lutheran Church 104 Paradise Road, Oak Ridge, NJ, United States

Pastor gives a children's message during this service.  After the message, children are escorted to their classrooms for lessons.  

Sunday School

Holy Faith Lutheran Church 104 Paradise Road, Oak Ridge, NJ, United States

We invite you to bring your children to Sunday school.  After the children's message in the worship service, they will be escorted to their classrooms for the lessons.  

Sunday Bible Study on Zoom

Pastor Clancy leads this  Bible Study of the Gospel according to John. on Zoom.   Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly Join... Read More