Building Faith, Family and Friends!!

Well, I’ve seen my first bear  this spring.  No, it wasn’t in-person, walking through the backyard or behind the church.  I saw him in the news, catching my eye because of his dastardly intent.  You see, he loves cookies beary much.  This lumbering cookie monster has been seen throughout the homes of Monrovia, California, entering through open windows and garage doors to find and abscond with his treasure.  You can see why they’ve named him “Oreo!”  Truth be told, he’ll settle for any sweet treat!


We at Holy Faith have the sweetest of treasures.  Certainly not a treasure that we have to break in and steal.  Instead, our treasure has been received freely by God’s grace.  2 Corinthians 4 says, (God) “made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”  We have the treasure of God’s forgiveness and love not to keep to ourselves but to share!


This Sunday we celebrate “Faith, Family and Friends” and with our Sunday School as well!  We have God’s treasure in us through faith in Jesus.  We celebrate the gift of our individual families and the wonderful Holy Faith Family that we have been blessed with.  And we encourage each other in our ministry plan that focuses us on what God has called us to do!  Please find it attached to this email.  Come and be part of the family fun!  Love in Jesus, Pastor Craig