



As God’s children of Holy Faith,

we walk together with Jesus,

strengthened by His grace

to love one another as He has loved us.



Holy Faith Strategic Plan: Targets, Goals and Tasks


1. Building Faith:

That everyone walks with Jesus, building each other up in their most Holy Faith.


Goal: Revitalize Bible Study- Rally Day Sept. 2024


                  a. Reshape all Bible Study to meet present needs of Holy Faith family and friends
                  b. Communicate content and availability
                  c. Explore lay led Bible Study


Goal: Evaluate Worship Services – An ongoing process to be reviewed by Council monthly.


                   a. Identify best time for worship: one service or two (many pros and cons)
                   b. Find new ways to meet the needs of young families
                   c. Promote youth involvement
                   d. Explore Youth Service
                          i. Service on alternate day
                          ii. Develop creative youth focused worship
                   e. Explore community Bereavement Services
                          i. Those lost to addiction
                          ii. Those that passed in hospice


2. Building Family: That everyone at Holy Faith walk with Jesus equipped to use their time, talents and treasures for Him and each other.


Goal: Revitalize Youth Group over the next two years- Rally Day Sept 2025


                   a. Develop Youth Team
                   b. Develop Bible Study for needs of youth (contemporary, everyday life challenges)
                   c. Create activities to invite friends
                   d. Explore a Youth Service


Goal: Identify the Talents of Church Members- an ongoing process


                   a. Create a Talents Survey
                   b. Empower members to identify their talents
                   c. Implore members to utilize their talents
                   d. Organize an annual volunteer celebration


Goal: Improve the financial support of Holy Faith members -an ongoing process


                   a. Educate Holy Faith members regarding the ongoing financial needs of our church
                   b. Guide everyone to assess God’s blessings in their lives
                   c. In thanks for their blessings, everyone is to identify a percentage target for their annual                          financial giving
                   d. Facilitate an annual self-evaluation of their financial giving


Goal: Establish new Parish Nursing Ministry for Holy Faith Tasks:

                    a. Identify Leader for project
                    b. Explore at District and National level
                    c. Adopt into denominational resources that will work for Holy Faith
                    d. Identify and pursue necessary education needed for program


3. Building Friends: That everyone walks with Jesus, sharing His love with the least, last and lost.


Goal: Evaluate the visitor experience at Holy Faith- to be reviewed by Council monthly


                    a. Provide friendly atmosphere
                    b. Install a closed-circuit TV in narthex
                    c. Indoor signage
                    d. Outdoor signage handicap parking and W/C accessibility
                    e. Parking lot improvement
                    f. Outdoor parking lot lighting


Goal: Relaunch Community Outreach Meals- evaluated after each event by Council


                    a. Empower member attendees to seize opportunity to share Jesus
                    b. Involve wider participation of church members
                    c. Find new ways to advertise and promote in surrounding communities


Goal: Create New Community Outreach Opportunities – evaluate after each event


                    a. Annual Blessing of the Animals
                    b. Retreats
                    c. Front Lawn Activities

                          1. Easter Egg Hunt
                          2. Corn Hole Tournament

                    d. Ring the BELL!!! 911 Commemoration
                    e. Create a First Responders Event


Goal: Support NJ District Outreach- to be reviewed by Council annually

            Task: Support Anchor of Hope

                    a. Develop a task force
                    b. Research pathway to best support those in recovery from addiction
                    c. Feasibility study for a Skills Program for those in recovery
                    d. Seek guidance from NJ district to further explore strategies to move forward


            Tasks: Support Operation Barnabas

                    a. Develop a task force
                    b. Reach out to Veterans and active military families
                    c. Explore with NJ District to find ways that will best support the program


Goal: Expand Holy Faiths’ Crossroads Food Pantry- evaluate quarterly


                    a. Assist members of Holy Faith to better understand our mission through Crossroads                                Food Pantry
                    b. Educate those we feed in ways to better utilize what is provided
                    c. Find cost effective resources to supply Crossroads Food Pantry

