A Poem by Jon Boschen



“There are those of us who live by “Faith”

and those of us who live because of our Faith!

A destiny that has been altered by the Cross

The Expectation the Cross brings,

allowing us to live a full life

One full of anticipation of a promised destination.

I am a survivor because of that Promise 

Fulfilled by Grace

A Grace that emanated from that cross,

Radiating his love through survival

For the deep sense of hope and promise it brings

YES, to us the survivors

 due to the sacrifice given…..

For us on that Cross”. J. A Boschen 4-19-20

How’s the Lord Messing with You?

            Greetings everyone!  I pray that all of you are well!  We in the Lutz household are doing fine, only by God’s grace.  You have heard it many times before and here it is again:  How’s the Lord Messing with You?  How is he getting your attention with His undeserved love?


            He is, you know!  In the midst of this COVID containment, He’s making Himself seen more now than ever.  He sure got my attention yesterday.  I was dropping something off at the rear of the church when I heard someone up front.  The door was open and there was a young lady, Janet.  She wanted to drop some wonderful foods she had purchased for the pantry.  I had an uplifting chat with her as she shared her story.  She was a nurse, giving care in the frontlines of the COVID battle.  She wanted to do more, though.  Helping the food pantry was her extra sacrifice to bless others.  It turns out that we had helped her during a difficult time by helping her with an electric bill.  Having been blessed through that challenge in her life, she wanted to bless others in this COVID challenge.  Wow, “thank you Lord for opening the eyes of my heart to see how You will bring us through and use each of us to make it happen!”


            I was reminded of a passage in God’s Word:  “Keep on loving each other as brothers (and sisters).  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.”  (Heb. 13:1-2).  Such was the case for Abraham and Sarah, visited by angels in human form to bring word of hope, a son for them in their inability to have a child (Gen. 18)  In Jesus that son has become a blessing to all nations, especially us.  He has blessed us with forgiveness and forever life through what He has done on a cross and through an empty tomb!

            While God has used actual angels in human form to bring His message of grace, He also uses humans in angelic function to bring hope and blessing.  He used Janet to bring me a message of hope.  He’s using each of us as we reach out to others with our risen Jesus as our motivation.  He makes us those folks doing the work of angels!


Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters!  Pastor Craig


A Living Hope




        Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!  In Him we have living hope!  God’s Word through Peter says:  “In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.”  1 Peter 1:3-4


          Two young brothers attended their first funeral.  At the cemetery they watched fascinated as the coffin was lowered into the ground.  One by one the relatives came by to throw a handful of dirt into the grave.  The boys watched it all!  When the funeral was over and they were riding home, the teaching/learning moment happened!  One of the boys wondered, “Is that what happens when you die; they put you in a hole in the ground?”  His dad, focused on driving, replied, “Well, that’s what we see, but…”  Before he could finish his thought the other brother chimed in, “Yeah, that’s what happens.  But don’t worry, Jesus is strong enough to get you out of that hole.”  Dad had a great opportunity to share as they drove the rest of the way home.

          You heard Peter!  Words coming from the mouth of the denier, yet a new heir in Christ’s forgiveness with a new birth, a fresh start:  “He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus!”  It’s a certainty that we will never perish.  Our trust is in Jesus Christ, who has defeated the power of the grave through His death and resurrection.  As Jesus has taken care of death, He will provide all things needful all along the way, especially now!

          Let Peter’s words provide comfort!  With death and challenge all around, if we feel fear and anxiety, especially in the death of a loved one, know today that sure and certain hope.  As it will never perish, spoil or fade, neither will we.  The risen Jesus will always get us out of the hole.


Keep trusting in Jesus, PC