




Our congregation’s founders had a vision for a church that would be a place where people could be built up in their Holy Faith (Jude 20).  This faith – founded on the cornerstone, Jesus Christ – is gifted through Baptism and nurtured through the Word and the Lord’s Supper.  We are His living stones built into a house of worship, prayer, and love.  We are built into a family relationship with Him and with one another.  Through our joyful acts of love and service, Christ uses us to build up Holy Faith in others to follow Him.

Building Faith.  We see ourselves as a place where the Holy Spirit gathers His people to be built up through living faith in Jesus.  Our vision is for Holy Faith to be a worshipful community, holding onto our Bible-based values while seeking to praise our Savior in ways that are fresh and meaningful.  We see Bible study groups, within the community and at church, where disciples are formed and shaped according to the will of our loving God.  Our vision is for Holy Faith to be a house of prayer, finding creative ways to identify the prayer needs of fellow worshipers and especially those within the community around Holy Faith.  With our faith connection in Jesus strong in worship, Bible study, and prayer, we are empowered to build fellowship within the church and beyond.

Building Fellowship. We see ourselves as living stones of God’s household, lovingly sharing our joys and sorrows, our strengths and weaknesses, our hopes and fears.  We see Holy Faith as a place of encouragement, where people can come together with their challenges to find a caring heart.  Our vision is for support groups to meet, focused upon needs like addiction, anxiety, and financial stress.  Together we are united in the challenges as well as the answer:  our Lord Jesus.  We will reach out to people of all ages with engaging fellowships like youth groups, family fun nights, movie nights, and senior luncheons.  As a connected faith family in Jesus, we are empowered to build friendships throughout our community.

Building Friendship.  Built up in our faith and united in our love for each other, we go out to share Christ’s love with those who are lost, isolated, and alone – those who feel farthest from His loving presence in this world.  Seeking to build friendship with those beyond the walls of our church, we see outreach teams sharing God and His grace by speaking loudly through the silence of loving action.  Everyone at Holy Faith should be connected in some way with an outreach team.  With a reconstructed kitchen, fully licensed to prepare meals for the public, friendships will be fostered at free, community meals.  We see the Food Pantry expanded, teaming with area restaurants, stores, and organizations to help keep the pantry stocked.  We see a building constructed to receive and distribute free clothing and household items.  We see ourselves impacting all of West Milford and Jefferson, in partnership with our brothers and sisters in Christ from area churches, through Faith in Action, CROP, and other social ministries.  Through the community friendships all of us make as loving, faith-filled disciples, our Lord will work to save and bring new disciples to faith, fellowship, and friendship.

